Momentoitalia has never appreciated and promoted a product like this one before. A best selling piece from our collection which we can easily mark as "evergreen". There is no person who doesn't appreciate the beauty, the details and the luxurious materials used for these products.

This a collection of modern luxury seating furniture composed of chairs, armchairs, loveseats and stools made of a high quality thick leather sewed together in two thick layerings which extend from top to bottom.
30 Different colors are available to match your dining room furniture area or your living room, and you can be sure to find your tone color between the modern shades which the manufacturere carefully selected.
Made in Italy, in the Milan area the leather comes from Tuscany region, famous for the leather suppliers, and then design makes its steps into creating such versatile and classy products.

This collection is all about beautiful details: modern leather chairs and armchairs fully covered in leather, with visble stichings which you can take in matching or contrasting color. The chairs have pretty comfortable seating and although leather may let you think about stiffness, this chairs collection can guarantee a great comfort.