Currently, I'm writing this blog as an asian couple accompanied with an older british man walk through our new house here in Guelph looking to purchase it.
great show, creepy neighbour still kinda scares me
Yeah... so we just moved in on May 1st and it turns out our landlord is seeking to sell the place. Although we are guaranteed the house for the length of our lease, it isn't exactly an ideal situation. It might turn out that an investor buys it and we're good to go with a new landlord for the next few years. It might turn out that the asian couple buys it and we're off to the cannon again in January. Regardless, one thing that's certain is the fact that the next couple of days will produce their fair share of awkward moments. And I'm excited for them to take place.
great show, creepy neighbour still kinda scares me
Yeah... so we just moved in on May 1st and it turns out our landlord is seeking to sell the place. Although we are guaranteed the house for the length of our lease, it isn't exactly an ideal situation. It might turn out that an investor buys it and we're good to go with a new landlord for the next few years. It might turn out that the asian couple buys it and we're off to the cannon again in January. Regardless, one thing that's certain is the fact that the next couple of days will produce their fair share of awkward moments. And I'm excited for them to take place.