What to add and what not to add is the question every home owner seeking improvement will ask. Home improvement involves the reorganization and upgrading of the indoor and outdoor environment.For a lot of home owners, the landscaping is really important. Landscaping influences the mood or aura of your home, a home with a pool and a fountain translates to a tranquil and serene environment. Moreover, a garden that is well kept with beautiful landscaping could be an attraction to homebuyers when and if you do eventually decide to put your home on the market.Home improvements are a great investment in your house and you get a more comfortable and beautiful home in the process. There are two main methods of home improvement; you could choose to do a complete overhaul of your home or just do a remodeling project.Home improvement remodeling is much less expensive than a complete overhaul and could be anything from changing your kitchen floors to changing the heating system in your home.The kitchen is one of the more popular improvement remodeling projects. The areas for remodeling in a kitchen are vast and there is always something extra you could do to enhance the look of your kitchen and add more value to the home as a whole. Some kitchen improvement remodeling projects could be as complex as placing an island in a kitchen that had none before or could be simply refacing existing cabinets.